We have a number of pages in PeopleSoft, where user/admin is free to
enter email addresses. How to validate if a value entered in a
PeopleSoft field is a valid email address?
In general, how does an email id look like? It will have few characters
followed by @ symbol followed by few characters and then a .(dot) symbol
followed by few more characters. So, we have to validate the presence
of these.
For example, if &email_addr is a variable which contains the string
entered in email address field and needs to be validated then try the
below code:
&AT = Find("@", &email_addr);
&DOT = Find(".", &email_addr);
If ALL(%AT,&DOT) Then
/* Validation Success */
/* Validation Fail*/
/* Issue Error message */
Additionally we could also perform checks to ensure that:
- the position of @ is not the first character
- .(dot) is not the last character.
- @ is not repeated else where in the string
- Dot is not repeated else where in the string
This can be done by using instr, substr and len functions.
what will be the code to check if the email used to login matches the registered mail or not?